astral plane

The Three Outpourings and Initiation


This is an extract of the soon to be published Volume 6 in the Treatise on Mind Series, Meditation and the Initiation Process - Chapter 6.   The manifestation of karma, utilising substance from a past evolutionary space, when manifested [...]

The Great Illusion and Astrology


Esoteric astrology is the science of life. The science of being, everything you can imagine can be reduced or put into astrological terminology. This is a far vaster subject than astrologists understand. This is the science of the future, the [...]

There are imposters out there!


Incidentally this astral realm also contains many impostors of divinity, many false prophets, many so called sages that are ever willing to inspire or to give information to anyone that in anyway wants to channel information. There are thousands upon [...]


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