
Esoteric Astrology for the New Age Volume 1


There is a vast amount of esoteric information to further present to the world’s disciples. In the field of astrology this is especially needed. The information here is based upon Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology and extends this work with additional [...]

Tibetan Book of the Dead – Part 2


Part 2 - Introduction to Awareness This is the second part of the series on the esoteric rendering of the Bardo Thödol (the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead'). Bodo Balsys continues to comment on the development of [...]

Extremist For Love


"Was not Jesus an extremist for love -- "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, pray for them that despitefully use you." Was not Amos an extremist for justice -- "Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like [...]

The Masters of Wisdom


Who are the Masters of Wisdom? What makes a master of Wisdom and what do they do? The Hierarchy of Love and Light The Hierarchy of Light, of enlightened Being, is a beneficent grouping of people that have triumphed [...]

The Mystery of Numbers


The secrets of being/non-being lie hid in the mystery of numbers. They are not illusions, but relate to the platforms of awareness that make things definite. They establish identities, that which is definable, according to certain patternings of expression. They [...]

A Flaming Heart


Amidst the concepts of courage, the most invincible is the courage of the flaming heart, when in full decisiveness, in full realization of achievement, the manifest warrior knows only the path of advance. So, let each one equip himself with [...]

The Science of Enlightenment


Essentially esoteric astrology is the science of Enlightenment, what happens on the path to Enlightenment. If one was looking at a chart of a disciple one would look at the orthodox planetary rulers for their emotions and for their mood [...]

The Hierarchy of Love and Light


When we are talking about the Hierarchy of Light and Love, what we are talking about is the way that human beings throughout the eons of evolution developed consciousness and developed into Enlightened Beings. Beings evolve on the path of [...]

What is the Aura?


The definition of the aura is "a radiatory sphere of energy that emanates from the body.” It has no real colour of its own as such. It is the mind that quickly translates it into colour. The colours can also [...]

Healing and use of Energy


All is really energy, all is really energy interrelationship and it is the quality of the type of energy that you respond to that determines whether you are healthy or diseased. This is because the body has a natural balance, [...]

What is Esoteric Healing?


Most people or most healers think that healing of the physical body is what healing is all about, and for esoteric healing this is not necessarily the most important thing. The Healing of the emotional body and cleansing of the [...]


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