
Z – Esoteric Glossary


< < Y      A > > Zelator In the Rosicrucian philosophy the term refers to one who is a probationer to the Mysteries. Zen Buddhism (From the Chinese Ch'an, and Sanskrit dhyana.) A school of training of the mind fully [...]

Y – Esoteric Glossary


< < W      Z > > Yajna An act of sacrifice or worship. Yachin (also Jachin) and Boaz. In Masonic tradition the two pillars cast by Hiram Abiff of Tyre for Solomon's temple. Yachin, was considered masculine, is coloured white, [...]

W – Esoteric Glossary


< < V      Y > > Water The second Alchemical element, the externalisation of astral sub­stance, that of the sixth sphere. Wesak A religious festival commemorating the parinirvana of the Buddha. It is held on the first (Taurean) full Moon [...]

V – Esoteric Glossary


< < U      W > > Vach The Creative Word, the power of the mantric sound that is an effect of the third Logos, Brahma. Vach is the res­onation of the Cre­ative Sound throughout the manifest Uni­verse. It thus en­genders [...]

U – Esoteric Glossary


< < T      V > > Udana The fourth of the Vayu's (Winds, pranas) in yoga philoso­phy. It is described as "the control of the nadi from the nose to the top of the head". This coordinates the various pranas, [...]

T – Esoteric Glossary


< < S      U > > Tactica Adversa Tactically taking the most adverse conditionings into ac­count in one's planning. In the book Letters of Helena Roerich, Vol­ume 2, (page 174) Mrs. Roerich states that "The Great Minds, before carrying out [...]

S – Esoteric Glossary


< < R      T > > Sabaoth The Hebrew term for the army or Host of the Lord. Sacral Centre See Svadhisthana Chakra. Sacred Planets The term refers to those Planetary Rulers that have gained their liberation from the bounds [...]

R – Esoteric Glossary


< < Q       S > > Ra The Egyptian God of the Sun, son of Nut, the sky, the bearer of the sun disc (Aten). He stands as the Soul or Solar Logos. Radha Principal Gopi (shepherdess) and wife [...]

Q – Esoteric Glossary


< < P      R > > Qabbalah See Kabbalah. Quaternary This term refers to the fourfold personality equipment of a per­son, as distinct from his soul. This incorporates the dense physical ve­hicle, the etheric double, the astral body, and the [...]

P – Esoteric Glossary


< < O      Q > > Padma The Sanskrit term for the Lotus. The term also refers to the various chakras, which take the form of lotus blossoms in etheric realms. Padma Asana The lotus position (asana), which is utilised [...]

O – Esoteric Glossary


< < N      P > > Occultist One who studies the various branches of the esoteric sci­ences, the nature of the phenomenal universe, as well as the subjective causes to all this outer seeming. See Esotericist; Eso­teric sciences. Oeaohoo The [...]

N – Esoteric Glossary


< < M      O > > Nadi (From Nada = a species of hollow reed.) A channel for the con­veyance of prana in the etheric vehicle. The nadis are a fine reticulation of channels stemming from the three principal ones [...]

M – Esoteric Glossary


< < L      N > > Macroprosopus A Greek term meaning the vast or Great Countenance. Used in Kabbalistic philosophy to refer to the Lord or "Face" of the Universe. Madhava An epithet of Krishna. Mādhyamā pratipad Refers to the [...]

L – Esoteric Glossary


< < K       M > > Lakshmi The wife or shakti of Vishnu, the second person of the Hindu trimurti. She is the Goddess of prosperity, and embodies the lotus blossom. Lama Tibetan for "the superior one", being representative of [...]

K – Esoteric Glossary


< < J        L > > Kabbalah Sometimes spelled Qabbalah. The hidden wisdom of the Hebrew Rabbis in the past. Now principally codified as a basis to most western forms of Magical practices, based on source material from medieval and [...]

J – Esoteric Glossary


< < I      K > > Jachin A Hebrew term meaning "to establish". One of the pillars of Solomon's temple, the other one being called Boaz. They represent the right (Jachin) and left (Boaz) Nadis. See Yachin and [...]

I – Esoteric Glossary


< < H      J > > “I-consciousness” Refers to the expression of a consciousness-stream that is separated from other similar streams, allowing the appearance of individuality over successive rebirths of that consciousness. The “personal-I” or “I-concept” then refers [...]

H – Esoteric Glossary


< < G      I > > Hades The land of shadows, a place of darkness. The place where "shades", astral forms go to after death, after crossing the river Styx. It was ruled over by Pluto and here [...]

G – Esoteric Glossary


< < F      H > > Gabriel The (Hebrew) name means literally "God has shown himself Mighty", or "man of God". (See Daniel 8:16, and 9:21., where he brought visions of the Judgement day.) In the book of [...]

F – Esoteric Glossary


< < E     G > > Fairies Also Fairy. They are the nature spirits (associated with the watery and airy element) of higher order than the elves, and generally embody the plants and flowers and lesser animal lives seen all [...]


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