
  • This book endeavours to integrate the concepts gleaned through modern physics with those of the esotericist, hence with the lore derived from meditative penetration of high dimensions of perception. This incorporates the nāḍī and chakra system, via which all phenomena is derived, and of the nature of the projection of thought-forms from the subjective domains to the phenomenal world. This book consequently endeavours to show how the laws discovered by physicists derive from those of the subjective universe. Many abstruse ideas therefore need to be discussed which the scientifically minded are unaware, as well as unfamiliar concepts for most religionists and philosophers. Hopefully this syncretic approach will evoke many revelations in all these schools of thought. Readers should not dismiss the ideas presented out of hand, but rather should rationalise what is logically correct as a valid basis for further research and enquiry into the origin and nature of things. 604 pages, softcover  ©2020
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  • The Revelation – New Revised Edition

    This book presents basic postulates concerning many esoteric concepts. These include the concept of ‘God’, what constitutes evil, the nature and function of karma, the manifestation of energy from the subtle planes of perception, the nature of manifest Divinity, as veiled by the concept of the Christ in the Bible, and the mysteries of Being. The analysis moves from my earlier Buddhist writings to focus upon the information in the Bible, especially in relation to the nature of the reappearance of the Christ, which here is equated with the externalisation process of the Hierarchy of Enlightened Being. This doctrine concerns the mode of the evolution of transcendent perception by humanity. The awakening of higher spiritual perceptions via the enlightenment path, and the understanding of the psychic constitution of the nāḍīs and chakras are also explained. A syncretic approach is therefore espoused through the comparison between Eastern doctrines and the presented esoteric Christianity. In doing so many of the veiled, hidden mysteries in the Gospel story and the book of Genesis are revealed. The text shows how these religions are but aspects of one fundamental religious evolution, of the historical development of what is known in the East as the dharma, and in the Western tradition as the ‘Law of God’. 508 pages, softcover  ©2022
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  • There is a vast amount of esoteric information to further present to the world’s disciples. In the field of astrology this is especially needed. The information here is based upon Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology and extends this work with additional esoteric information. This is in line with what I have already published in my former books, and presents a line of esoteric reasoning that most students of this doctrine have yet to discover.These astrological volumes are the foundation for many revelations to come. This volume presents the basis to comprehending the vast reaches of this science. For enlightened beings astrological knowledge is the lore of the universe and this astrology governs the manifestation of cosmic Law. The evolution of humanity is a progression and so also the evolutionary attainment of Hierarchy. Hierarchy must move with the times and offer disciples more advanced esoteric lore and their higher scientific verities than was possible before. This is one such presentation from the vast store of Hierarchical ken that hopefully many will gain succour from. NOTE: This is a larger style book measuring 7 x 10 inches  or 254 x 178mm. 484 pages, softcover  ©2023
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  • The Constitution of Shambhala - Part A

    The subject of Shambhala (the planetary Head centre, or theistically, the kingdom of ‘God’) has been previously veiled in such texts as the Kālachakra Tantra, but the true esoteric lore has only been provided gradually, first tentatively through the works of Blavatsky, and then in greater detail via Alice Bailey’s writings. This volume continues along this vein, presenting far more detail concerning this kingdom, and also of the Hierarchy of enlightened being (the planetary Heart centre) than hitherto revealed. A considerable compendium of revelation and esoteric knowledge is presented for the world’s esotericists to digest and the enlightened to expand upon.
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      570 pages, softcover  ©2017 **VIEW PREVIEW PDF HERE**
  • H.P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine is the foundational text for the dissemination of the esoteric tradition, as promulgated by the Masters of Wisdom for this new epoch. The Theosophical Society, the writings of Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich and other esotericists, are founded upon the basis of the advanced esoteric doctrines promulgated in that text. This volume continues with a detailed explanation of the nature of the ageless wisdom and its codification via astrological and numerological means. It starts with happenings upon the higher mental plane, and then the process of the materialisation of phenomena right through to the dense physical plane. The subjective happenings underlying the formation of a world sphere are described, as well as the great Lives involved. The focus is upon the genesis of our earth and of the incarnation of humanity upon it. Much more information is given concerning the activities of the twelve Creative Hierarchies than previously, plus the mode of the manifestation of phenomena, as it condenses from the subtle planes of perception to appear as dense substance. Our empirical scientists begin their investigations here, hence omitting the vast subjective processes and associated laws causing objective phenomena. Seen therefore is Blavatsky’s genius in masterfully incorporating the vast esoteric philosophy via the most economic means, where each word chosen produces an astounding revelatory vision, once properly decoded. Those not familiar with this philosophy will be astounded by its overall completeness and breadth of detail. They will be led to an ocean of discovery as to what actually constitutes the nature of the content of an enlightened Mind. Hopefully this will lead many to seek the way to likewise become enlightened beings. 524 pages, softcover  ©2021
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  • The Constitution of Shambhala - Part B

    The theme of the first of the two parts of this volume concerns the feminine deva hierarchy, their relation to Hierarchy and Shambhala. Many concepts are introduced that most seekers have little cognisance (e.g., the nature of the deva Lord Varuna). The Mother of the World’s role is revealed, and the feminine function in cosmos, (e.g., the Pleiades). Advanced teaching concerning the Lord of the World (Sanat Kumāra), and the higher Initiations are provided. The second part is a long esoteric poem detailing many inner plane revelations concerning the type of vision obtained when accessing Shambhala, plus Initiation teachings for disciples.
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      592 pages, softcover  ©2018 **VIEW PREVIEW PDF HERE**
  • The Buddha-Womb and the Way to Liberation

    This volume resolves the ontology from the two previous volumes concerning the concept of a ‘subtle self’. First a commentary of the Tantra Great Gates of Diamond Liberation, that presents detailed information concerning the nature of some important chakras: the Heart, Throat, Diaphragm, and Splenic centres I and II. This adds to what was earlier provided on the Solar Plexus, Sacral and Base of Spine centres. However the focus of the book concerns the attributes of the Sambhogakāya Flower, utilising The Uttaratantra of Maitreya and the Buddha’s testimony, thus revealing an esoteric doctrine that has been veiled in Buddhist scriptures.
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      562 pages, softcover  ©2016 **VIEW PREVIEW PDF HERE**
  • H.P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine is the foundational text for the dissemination of the esoteric tradition, as promulgated by the Masters of Wisdom for this new epoch. The Theosophical Society, the writings of Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich and other esotericists, are founded upon the basis of the advanced esoteric doctrines promulgated in that text. Here, for the first time, a proper exposition of the mode of the coding of the esoteric texts presented by the Masters is revealed. The object being to assist serious students of the esoteric doctrines to gain much deeper insights as to the nature of the hidden wisdom of the revelatory writings emanating from the Hierarchy of enlightened beings. This book consequently presupposes that the reader is familiar with the context of the writings of the above authors, and also my writings, because of the nature of the advanced esotericism that needs to be explicated. The focus of this analysis is upon the Stanzas of Dzyan (stanzas for meditation), the backbone of The Secret Doctrine. Those that take the time to properly study the texts will comprehend the vastness of the philosophy and awareness attained by enlightened beings, and so hopefully aspire to likewise gain enlightenment. 624 pages, softcover  ©2020
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  • This book provides esoteric insights into many aspects of Buddhist philosophy. The nature of the karma that governs all phenomenal appearances in the three worlds of samsâra is examined. From basic understandings of karma, the book proceeds to expound the subtle intricacies of the mode of manifestation of all aspects of this basic law. Bodo explains that many traditional beliefs about karma are simplified “truths” that had their genesis in the infancy of humanity’s ability to logically enquire. 290 pages, hardcover  ©2006
  • Ahimsa is an inspiring and enlightening book, food for thought for any practicing Buddhist or anyone who is interested in becoming a more compassionate being. As Buddhists and Bodhisattvas we must meditate on the effects of every action and thought we are involved in if we are to resolve all Karma and act with true all embracive compassion for all sentient beings. Ahimsa means ‘harmlessness’, carried out in thought, word or deed. A major precept of Buddhists of all denominations is to practice harmlessness. Such activity is not supposed to be theory, but a practical fact, a sacred pledge (samaya) integrated into the fiber of one’s every mode of conduct on the path to enlightenment and liberation from the samsâra. However, as this text elaborates, all good intent along this line falls flat in the light of the practice condoned by many Buddhists of meat consumption. Harm is thus caused to the animal butchered, to the consumer of the flesh, and to the environment we live in. 152 pages, paperback  ©2024


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